Friday, December 29, 2006

It was a wonderful Christmas holiday for me.
It started off on Friday morning at 3:30 am. I went in to work early to help with the holiday celebration for 1st shift. Such a diverse group – Indian, Hispanic, Filipino, Vietnamese – makes for an array of goodies, which they prepare in bulk and share with each other. This year the celebration was a little subdued. The death of a co-worker in a car accident during the previous week made for a celebration filled with thanks. There was no dancing this year but the food was amazing – curried chicken for breakfast at 5 am was a real treat!
Having a whole weekend to prepare wasn’t even time enough! I thought that going into work early, I’d leave much earlier than I did, take a nap and plow through some housecleaning and gift-wrapping. I came home and collapsed and never really got up the gumption to do any more than watch mindless TV.
So Saturday morning I went to the gym and when I came back, we blitzed through the house, straightening and cleaning. Then I began preparing food for Christmas Eve. I planned on having some of it catered, but I also wanted something extra special nice because this will be our last hosting of Christmas Eve with the Smith family. So I planned a menu:
Antipasti - Caesar salad
Primo Piati - Ravioli and Meatballs
Secundo Piati – Prime Rib, Yukon Gold Smashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole (catered)
Dessert – lots o stuff
There wasn’t much to wrap, but I got the presents organized, then I organized a rehearsal for Christmas Mas. We had a nice wind ensemble of 2 trumpets, clarinet, flute, alto sax, 3 trombones, tuba and cello – along with 2 guitars, keyboard and vocals.
Christmas Eve I got up and set the table, reorganized music for Mass, made more meatballs, got out all the serving pieces, got ready for Mass, went and picked up the catered portion of dinner and left for Mass, which was beautiful. Dooner and Shelden both were there.
We got out of Mass and Dooner gave us our Christmas Present – a brand new digital camera that is totally awesome! Family began to assemble. The nieces brought appetizers, Santa arrived and we were well on our way to a wonderful night…. Until my husband had my brother-in-law cut the prime rib before I had served the ravioli and meatballs. Ah well – It was fine and dandy!

1 comment:

Lou said...

And Peg,,, It was a great night... Thanks for allowing me to share it with you and the Smiths. By the way I was in Philly for 2 nights and 3 days, with Peg. We went to the Franklin Institute and ran into Holly and Stephanie, with all there kids. The kids still were in awe of seeing Santa at your house.
Happy New Year, LOVE, HUGS AND KISSES for the new year.