Sunday, January 14, 2007

So yesterday was a really neat day. I got up and went to the gym – 55 minutes on the treadmill and, of that, I ran a half mile. Came home and showered, got some breakfast. Got all the music together for church.
Then I went to a local salon for an Angel Deluxe Retreat spa day! I got a facial, a 45-minute massage, a pedicure, a heart-healthy lunch, and a manicure. Of course, I bite my fingernails down to nothing so I only had clear nail polish applied to them… But my toenails – now that’s a different story.
Back in September about a week before we left for Italy, I stubbed my toe on a piece of furniture in the dark and my toenail fell off. It was pretty painful and also caused blisters when we were in Italy. Jerry had to operate… But it’s growing back nicely…. Probably by April it will be restored to its former size.
In any case, I have a confession to make… It’s my fault the Eagles lost the play-off game against the Saints because I got my toenails painted Eagle Green in their honor. I’m sorry. I apologize. I’ll be sure to never do anything like that again. What was I thinking?

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