Saturday, January 27, 2007

Well – last night, I was sitting at my computer clicking cards and the most amazing thing happened. The phone rang and the woman on the other end said “Hi Peg. This is Dana.” I asked her how she was doing and she said “I’m fine, but I’ll be even better if you say you’ll be a part of the ensemble of our production of Man of LaMancha.”
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! I did it!
She said she was watching my reactions to the scenes and I was very expressive! I’m just so thankful that it was easy to react to so many awesome actors. So I guess now I will start my blog about this show.
We begin practicing on Feb 7 – just a read-through. And then we begin blocking on the 9th. Music rehearsals are on Sunday nights. And acting on Wednesdays and Fridays. Can you believe this?
But then on a sad note… our pastor of 12+ years has been transferred to a new parish and we will get a replacement in March. I am so sad… so very sad. He’s a very special person and worked very hard to bring our parish through some turbulent times. Also stressed spirituality and was one of our group’s greatest supporters. I will miss him incredibly and a lot. I just don’t know if we will get someone as open-minded as Fr Tom is. And someone who appreciates the type of music we do.
God – I hope we don’t get someone who is very conservative… Makes moving a little easier to take.
And then there is my Pyramids League. I signed up to become a Tournament Director and got trained by a very awesome trainer. And I held my very 1st tournament today. It was a little nerve-wracking but I enjoyed it mostly. Can’t wait for the next one!
Oh - Thanks to all the great Phoenix members for being so supportive Thanks to the Head TDs for their encouragement. And thanks to SATX for the great training!

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