Thursday, August 31, 2006

Saturday was somewhat of a celebration. The weather was threatening but it didn't stop friends and family from gathering to welcome the Bald-headed Wonder back to Cinnaminson.

An opportunity in NYC brought Dooner East and he had the weekend off so he took the train and visited with us. It was very weird having him home - I'm thinking that we've sort of gotten used to it just being the two of us in this house.

In any case, it didn't rain and I didn't cry. The food was yummy and the laughs were many. Tim's shirt was salmon! There are more pictures if you click this link :

We hope to see him a few more times before he returns to California! If the weather's nice on September 9th, we'll go up to Madison Square Park and check out the venue like we did last year. And perhaps he'll have a few days to stop home again at the end of his gig, do some laundry and catch up with a bunch of other folks.

I'm looking forward to that :-)

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