Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I have this friend. Well, she started out being my son's friend, but she's mine now. Yah, I claim her!
She has a very cool blog but better than that - she is an author and her first book will be out this winter! I can hardly wait!!!
She's trying to get into this writer's colony so she needs some hits on her blog site. So do me a favor, please. Click here! Check out some of her posts - and the comments too - they're funny!
Refresh a couple of times if you don't have time or the inclination to read anything.
But when you do get time - check her out!
And look for her book, The Hard Way, available Winter, 2008.


Anonymous said...

Aw, Peg. Thanks.

Momma said...

Jules, you rock me like a hurricane!!!!

Anonymous said...

Which is better than being rocked like a baby on the treetop because we know what happened to that poor kid.