Monday, June 04, 2007

Well, here it is June already. What a wild couple of months!
Friday night I went to the Awards Dinner Dance for the little theater group I joined. Man of La Mancha won awards for Best Show and Best Technical Production. Albert won for Best Supporting Actor. Many of us were nominated for awards in other categories. It just cracked me up! And no, I didn't win, but was nominated for Best Actress in a Cameo along with my friend, Cathy from our production.
From left to right, standing: Robert (DQ), Mike (Dr Carasco), Jeff (Sancho), Donna (Housekeeper), David (Anselmo), Tola (Maria), Jack (Padre), Mike (Pedro), Tim (Barber), Mike (Captain). From left to right, seated: Me, Jess (Aldonza), Chris (Tenorio), Cathy (Gypsy), Anne (Antonia).

Our director, Dana, sent us all an email after the Awards dinner and this was what she said:

Kudos to everyone for a great showing at last night’s Awards Dinner for Burlington County Footlighters!
We had 2 tables of La Manchers. In attendance were: Robert, Jack, David, Anne, Tim, Jeff, Tola, Peg, Deb and me (and assorted spouses and significant others!). Lynn, Iris, Bonnie, Andrew and Tony weren’t at out tables, but we were happy to see them there.
We came away with three awards last night. The award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role went to Albert. Great job, Albert! We were all so excited for you! The second award was a new one for Footlighters. They used to do Best Set, but they changed it to best Technical Production. This includes, set, props, costuming, lights and sound. And we won! Overall I think our tech was great (if you don’t count the on-stage radio broadcasts).
I was thrilled to hear that the audiences enjoyed us so much they thanked us with the award for Best Show! That is a great feeling.
I really want to thank you all for the most enjoyable productions I have worked on in a long time. What a wonderful bunch of people! I feel lucky to have met you all. Such talent, generosity of spirit and a lot of fun!
Before I get a teary (too late), I was hoping that anyone interested in seeing Mike's performance in Beauty and the Beast might want to go together and perhaps go out for dinner, and/or drinks, after the show. It opens July 13th (that’s right isn’t it, Mike?), so let me know!
With lots of love and best wishes to all ,

So I guess it's time to end this chapter... but what an amazing ride and, wow, I met some amazingly talented people and made some wonderful friends. This is perhaps the hardest part of doing a show... letting it go...

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